Inspirational Stories about True Love
Life is simple, we should always be thankful for everything.
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If our eyes are good the light will always shine throughout our lives"
This is the
Inspirational stories about True Love,
Inspirational Stories about True Love |
A farmer and his wife holding hands down the street coming home from the fields while the rain poured. In front of them there was a motorcycle crossing through the rain, the farmer said to his wife "Look mom , how happy those couple who ride on the motorcycles, although they are also caught in the rain , but they can going home as soon as possible, not like us, we still have to walk down this street to get home"
Meanwhile the motorcyclist and his wife who was rode under pouring rain saw a "pickup truck" passing in front of them , the bikers said to his wife " Look Mom , how happy that couple, they do not need get wet by the rain as we are"
The pickup truck was drive by a husband and wife. When they car was overtaken by a Mercedes, the pickup truck driver said to his wife, "Look Mom , how happy the people in that nice car, the car must be comfortable, unlike our car which often strike"
The Mercedes driver was a rich man and when she saw a farmer and his couple walking hand in hand under the pouring rain , the rich man said to himself, " What a happy husband and wife , they were lovingly hand in hand while walking down the street in the rural beauty of this, while my wife and I never had time for both of us because of our busy time"
Hope all of you have a
Beautiful Thought in this world, therefore can Inspired each other
Morale of the Story:
Happiness will never have if we just look at the happiness of others, and always compare our live with other people .
Be thankful for our lives so that we all know where happiness is to be
Be Simple
Simple But Satisfied
Just Simple Quotes for your Simple Life
Be Inspired