Inspirational short Stories of the Day about Being Positive
Live with peaceful mind or Live with chaotic mind, it your choice. We are the one who make this decision, don't let other people influence your mind or determine your way of life.
Below is an
Inspirational short stories about Being Positive, hope it will inspired all of you
Inspirational Short Stories of the Day about Being Positive |
On a Sunny day, there was two men went to a stall to buy books and magazines. The seller was unfriendly. He give his bad service for this men, his face was sullen. The first man obviously feel annoyed of this such services. Surprisingly, the second man don't care about this, he even act politely to the seller. Then the first man asked his friend, "Hey. Why are you being so polite to the seller who is show his bad services?"
His friend replied, "Why, why should I allow him to determine how I act? We should take control of our lives, not someone else. "
"But he served us badly," said the first man. He was still annoyed by the seller attitude.
"Yes, that was his problem. He wants to served his customer with bad attitude, impolite, bad services, and whatever, yet it has nothing to do with me. If we are to be affected by his action, then we let him set up and affect our lives. In fact it was us who are responsible for our self. "
My Friend, Our actions are often influenced by the others. If they do some bad things, we will respond with things even worse. If they are rude, we would not be polite anymore. If others stingy against us, we were initially generous suddenly become so stingy that have to deal with it.
Let us think about it. Why should our actions be influenced by others? Why is doing something good, we have to wait to be treated well by someone else first? Keep yours mood. Do not let someone else's bad attitude to determines how we act! Continue to do good thing, though we were treated bad by others.
Hopefully this
Inspirational shorts stories about Being positive can change the way we act
Morale of the Story:
"Winner of this life" is the one that stays cool in hot areas, remain sweet in a very bitter situation, still feel small although it has been growing to be great one, and remain calm in the middle of the Perfect Stroms
Be Simple
Simple but Satisfied
Just Simple Quotes for your Simple Life
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