The story of a wife who complains about her husband to her mother
Once upon a time, there was a lady and she just married. After serving as a wife for some time, she start complaining about her husband attitude. Because she just know true attitude of her husband, which is stubborn, lazy, wasteful, etc. She hope that her mother will support her to mother will support her and blame her husband.
But what a surprise, her mother just keeps silent for a minute, then her
mother ordered her to accompany her to get to the kitchen. Her mother start cooking water, after the water boiled, she put the boiled water into 3 glasses. Then she put 3 different item at each glass.
At the first glass she put an egg, at the second glass she put a carrot, and at the third glass she put coffee. After a few moment, she ask her daughter to pay attention at the three different item in the glass.
The Result, the fragile egg become hard, the carrot become tender, and the Coffee produces a fragrant aroma.
"Do you know what this mean, my daughter ? she asked. Her daughter showed a confused face
"My daughter, this life just like this boiled water, but the most important is how we react"
"We Can become harder like an egg, become soft just like the carrot, or like the coffee make your life more beautiful with your fragrant aroma"
The Carrot and Egg not affecting the water, but they had been change because of the boiled water, meanwhile the coffee change the boiled water, a simple boiled water become an cup of coffee with fragrant aroma.
It would be very easy to be grateful when our life is fine, but can we still be thankful when we facing a problem? "
The Morale of the Story:
From this, we learned that they are 3 kind of reaction, when problem come to us:
1. Become tender, like to complain, and want to be love
2. Become harder, mad and blame other party
3. Become more fragrant, clear the problem with gently
All of this become your choice,
How would you react when a problem coming to you....Complaining or Self-Correction
Complaining or Self-Correction |
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