Inspirational Short Stories about Life - Pitcher, Marble, Sand and Tea
Sometimes we get confused about what we will do in this life. So many things that must be dealt with so that we find 1 day 24 hours is not enough to complete it all. What should we do ?
Hope that below
Inspirational short stories about life can help you.
pitcher and marble |
A teacher stand in front his philosophy class and had a few things with him. At the point when the class started, silently, he grabbed a medium size pitcher and fill it with some stone. He than asked his student if the pitcher was full. All of his students was concurred that it was.
But the teacher grabbed a box of marble and then pour it in to the pitcher. He shook the pitcher daintily. The marble moved beyond all the empty space between the stone. Thus he asked his student again if the pitcher was full. One more time, all of his student agree with it.
But the teacher still not stop about what he's doing, then he bring out a case of sand and pour it into the pitcher. Obviously, the sand topped off everything else. One more time, the teacher ask his student if the pitcher was full. His student reacted with an unanimous "yes sir".
With his smiling face, the teacher pulled out two cups of tea from under the table and put the entire glass in into the pitcher, satisfactorily filling the empty space between the sand. All of his student laughed.
"Alright, let me explain about all of this" said the teacher, as the delight subsided, "I need you to distinguish that this pitcher reflection to your life. The stone are the essential things such as your God, family, your kids, your companions, and your most loved passions. Imagine that if everything else was lost and just they remained, your life might still meaningful. The marble are alternate things that matter like your employment, your house and your vehicle. The sand is everything else, the little stuff."
"On the other side if you put the sand into the pitcher first," he proceeded, "there is no space for the marbles or the stone. It likes our life. In the event that you spend all your time on the little stuff, you'll never have space for the things that are more important to you. Give careful consideration to the things that are basic to your satisfaction. Play with your kids,
spend more your precious time with your family. Deal with the stone first, the most important things that truly matter. Set your necessities, the rest is simply sand."
When the teacher was about to pack all of the stuff, one of the student raise his hand, "Sir, what about the tea, it represented to what". The Teacher smiled, "Oh, I almost forgot, thank you for reminding me. This tea represented, Regardless of how full your life may appear to be, there's always a tiny time for several cups of tea with friend.
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Simple but Satisfied
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