The Hand Of Midas
Once upon a time, there was a famous greedy king named Midas. He had a great deal of gold and the more he had the more he needed. He put away all the gold in his vaults and used almost all his time consistently checking it.
The hand of Midas |
One day when he was counting his gold, he felt a sleep. And he had a strange dream, on his dream, he was approached by a stranger, and said he might allow him a wish. King Midas was so exciting to hear it and said, "I wish that everything that I touch will turn into pure Gold." The stranger said," Are you certain, this is what you want?" The King Midas answered, "Yes." Then the stranger said, "At the beginning tomorrow morning with the sun rise, your desire will be granted, you'll get your magical touch."
King Midas thought, because this all just a dream, it won't happen. At tomorrow morning, when he wake up, the King was surprise. When he touched his bed, it turned into gold, then he touched his robe, it turned into gold too, and everything that he touch really turned to gold. "My Dream come true, this is the most exciting moment in my life", King Midas said. The King want share this magical moment with his daughter and thought she might be euphoric. The King look out of the window and saw his lovely daughter playing in the garden. On his way down to the garden, the King decide to have a glass of water and some bread, but what happen, when he touch the glass, it turned into gold and the water also turn into gold, as well as the bread that he touch also turned into gold. The King was hungry and said, "I can't consume this gold bread, neither the gold water". Just about that time his little daughter came running and The King embraced her and she transformed into a gold statue. King Midas looked confused by this incident, he forgot that all he touched would turn to gold. Now, her daughter has turned into a gold statue, The King can no longer heared her cries and laughter.
The King Midas fell on his knees, bowed his head and cried. "This is not a gift, this is disaster" the King said. Suddenly the stranger from his dream appear in front of The King," Do you happy with your ability, everything that you touch will turned into gold". The King said he was the most hopeless man. The stranger asked, "What might you rather have, your nourishment and cherishing girl or pieces of gold and a golden statue?" The King yelled and requested pardoning. The King said, "I will surrender all my gold and please change back my daughter become she used to be, She is my truly treasure, without her all the gold that I have is worthless." The stranger said to the King, "You have gotten to be smarter than before, remember, you can't live with
greedy, you must became a
wise king" then he reversed the spell. Everything that turned into gold by
The hand of Midas, return to its normal form. His daughter change into human again, the king can hear her laugh and see his smile again.
Moral of the Story
Appreciate what you get, do not be greedy. Regret in the future is useless, we can not turn back time to fix what we have done
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