Become The King Successor - Wise King
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom which ruled by a Wise King. All his people loved their king. At his free time, he love to gardening. The king love every kind of flower, it's bailey fill with a lot of beautiful flower with variety color. From a distance, the courtyard looks so beautiful with variety flowers and variety colors. But unfortunately the king has no successor.
Wise King |
One day, he got a brilliant idea to look for his Successor.
He sets announcement on notice board, where all his people can read it.
"The King looking for a successor for his throne. The successor should be a kind and wise man. Can Lead and loved his people with all their tenderness, and willing to sacrifice for the nation. Successor to the throne is a 5-10 year the oldest child, the kid will be schooled in the castle and schooled by the King himself.
It is expected that all parents enroll their children in the courtyard of the palace on the appointed day.
King will select his successor directly"
At the time of the selection day, seen many parents who bring their children for the queuing in the courtyard.
Every child face to face with the king, after doing some little chat with the children, each child gets a seed from the King. At the end,
The king
said, "Plant the seeds that I gave to you, suppose it is a country to
rule, love them and returned after 30 days later and show me the beautiful flowers bloom from the seeds.
Day of days gone by, each child eagerly, planting the seeds given by the king. They treat it very well, providing enough water, enough light, and enough fertilizer. But it seems there is a child who is having trouble, it turns out the seeds do not grow. He has done his best, provide adequate water, sufficient light, and enough fertilizer, but the seeds are not growing, he is so disappointing, he was afraid to face the king, because he felt like a failure properly care for the seedlings. His parents encourage him, "My son, you already do your best, don't be afraid to show the result to the king, just tell the king everything, tell him the truth, everything gonna be OK"
The special day has come, the children had covered the courtyard of the palace. Each of them brought a pot with beautiful flowers in it. Except this poor kid, his pot is empty. He look so sad, but still with the advice from his parents, he stand up and walk past the other children, while holding an empty flower pots, leading to the king's throne."I'm sorry my majesty, I already try my best, but the seed won't grow, I
am already disappointed you, my majesty" the child said.
But what happened, the King stands up and give him a big hug. "I'm very proud of you, you are the one, you will be my successor". Everybody was confusing, how could the kid with
an empty pot Become The King Successor.
"The seeds I gave you all, may not grow into a beautiful flower, because I have boiled the seeds before, so that the seed may not grow, only this kid is brave enough to show me this empty pot"
Finally, the kid Become The King Successor. He Ruled the county with peacefully and Wisely.
Morale of the Story :
When we already do our best, but the result is far away from our expectation, don't be afraid, just show the truth, everything gonna be OK
Be Simple
Simple But Satisfied
Just Simple Quotes for your Simple Life
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