Pancake for my Mom and Dad
Hello there, My name
Sinclair, and I'm 7 years old. I'm just celebrating my seventh birthday with my mommy and daddy. I'm so happy. They are so kind to me all this time. I will surprise them at this Sunday morning. I am going to make a delicious
Pancake for my Mom and Dad |
Sunday is come, this is a perfect day to surprise my Mom and Dad, a perfect
Pancake for my Mom and Dad, I hope they will like it.
Sinclair took a large bowl and spoon, then he move the chair to the edge of the table, and draw a Tupperware full of flour, because it's too heavy to be move, then he spilled out some of its contents on the floor.
Then he took some powder it with his hand also some scattered on the dining table, and put them into a large bowl, after that he start mixing it with milk and sugar. During the process, the pancake batter splattered all around the floor and a cat which is wondering around, cause it footprint also all around the floor. The situation make Sinclair so frustrated.
All he wanted was to make something to please his Mom and Dad but what happened instead look very bad. Sinclair now don't know what to do, whether to put the batter into the oven or bake in the fireplace. Suddenly the cat, trying to eat the batter, Sinclair
instinctively pushed the cat from eating the batter, then the cat was thrown away and take along some eggs on the table. He's so worried and try to clean up the broken eggs, but instead of
clean up the mess, he slipped on the floors which now filled with flour
and broken eggs, making his clothes covered
with flour and sticky.
Then come his Daddy and Mommy stand near the door. Sinclair tears fell down his cheek, what he wants to make is a
Pancake for his Mom and Dad,
but what he got only a mess. Now he just resigned look forward to a scolding or reprimand.
But, What happen, his mom and dad walk through the mess and so his Daddy raised and hold Sinclair, who still crying, then hug and kiss him.
The morale of the story
When we preparing something good but end up with a mess, do not be disappointed because the goal will still result in a pride
Be Simple
Simple But Satisfied
Just Simple Quotes for your Simple Life
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