"This is the true story of Miracle of Love"
This story happened in Beijing China, a girl named Yi Mei may have a pent love of her best friend at the school. But she never said anything, she just always kept in his heart and hope her friend will find out himself. Unfortunately her friend never known, just think of her as a friend, nothing more.
One day Yi Mei heard that her friend will be marry soon, her hearth was broken, but she smiled "I hope you're happy". Throughout the day Yi Mei very sad, she becomes no zest for life, but she always prayed for the happiness of her best friend.
12 July 1994, Her friends show her an example of wedding invitation that will be printed soon. He hope that Yi Mei will come. Her friends saw Yi Mei become very fragile and not cheerful, then he asked "What happened to you, you had a problem?
Yi Mei smile as sweet as possible "You are mistaken, I have no problem at all, wow the invitation card look very nice, but I would agree if you choose pink, more gentle." She commented on the invitation card sample
Her friend smiled "Oh yeah,
hmm, I will replace it, thank you for suggesting Yi Mei, I have to go meet my future wife, today we have plans to see home furnishings
... bye".
Yi Mei smiled, waved her hand, with her broken
July 8, 1994 Yi Mei was lying in the hospital, she fell into a coma, Yi
Mei suffered from blood cancer at end-stage. Her percentage to live
all her organs that can function properly only hearing, and her brain,
the others can be said "already dead", only a miracle that can cure it.
Her best friend visits her every day, waiting for her, he even is delaying marriage. For him, Yi Mei was a special guest of his marriage. Yi Mei family, agreed to give her "Dead Injection" due could not bear to watch Yi Mei suffering
December 10, 1994 All of Yi May's family already made decision ,tomorrow December 11, 1994 Yi Mei will be euthanized and all is sincere, only her friends who still begging to be given the opportunity to speak for the last time.
He whispered in Yi Mei ear as close as possible, "Yi Mei, do you remember when we were looking for a grasshopper, catching butterflies? ... You know, I never forget it, and do you remember the time when we are punished at school together because we were late, because we subscriptions chastened huh? "
"Do you remember when I mock you, you fell in the mud when you join the race, you're angry and pushed me until I fell in to the mud too? Do you remember I always do my homework at your place? I'll never forget it ..."
"Yi Mei, I want you to heal, I want you to be able to smile again, like before, I really like your dimples, it look so sweet, Do you have the hearth to leave me? Without realizing it, her friend tears flowing
profusely, Yi Mei face becoming wet of his tears
"Yi Mei, do you know, you are very important for me, I don't agree if you will be euthanized, I want to take you out from this hospital, I want you to live, Do you know why ? Because I Love You, I really love you, I don't have the gut to tell you, I'm afraid you will reject me"
Even though you don't love me, I still want you to live, Yi Mei, please, listen to me, Wake up !! Her friend cried so loudly, he hold Yi Mei hand, so strong.."I always pray, I hope God will create a miracle for me, You are totally healed, fully recovered. I have deep faith in God, do you know,
I was fasting so that God will hear my prayer more
Yi Mei, I don't have the power to watch your funeral, tomorrow, you're evil
!! You don't love me anymore, Now you want to leave me, I
'm really loving you, I am planning to
marry because I don't want you overshadowed by myself so you can find the man you've always dreamed of, that it"
"If only you say you love me, I will cancel my wedding, I don't care...
but It's impossible because you still want to go away from me as a
Her friend whispered "I love you, I love you" his voice hoarse with weeping. And what happened?
…. Its amazing !! ”True love never dies, True love can overcome everything."
7 hours later, the doctors found signs of life in self-Yi Mei, Yi Mei fingers could move, her heart, her lungs, her body organs work again, is a true miracle! The hospital contacted Yi Mei family and told them about the miracle just happened. And another miracle, Yi Mei get through her coma, on the date of December 11, 1994.
December 14, 1994 Yi Mei can open her eyes and talk, her friend was there, he hug Yi Mei and cried happily, doctors are very impressed by the miracle. "I'm glad you could get up, you're my best friend" her friend
hug Yi Mei tightly
Yi Mei smile, "It was you asking me to wake up, you said you love me, cause you know, I always heard that voice, I thought I had to struggle to live"
Lei hug Yi Mei and whisper "I love you too"
February 17, 1995 Yi Mei and Lei get married, They live happily ever after, and now, they have one son, who already at 14 years old.
So my friend, do you believe in "True love"
True Love |
Be simple
Simple but satisfied
just simple quotes for your simple life
be Inspired