Inspirational Story of The Day about Achieve Your Dreams
I believe, everybody have their own dream. But, do they only end as a dreamer or try to Achieve their dreams ? Hope below Inspirational Story of the day can help all of you to achieve your dreams
Achieve yours Dream |
There was an experiment organized by a professors in United State, he put two monkeys in an empty room. Just marked it as Monkey A and B. In the room, there is a pole, and the pole above was hang some bananas which is monkey's favorite fruit. Wondering, what will happen with this 2 monkeys ?
After examine the environment in the room, they was attracted by the banana and started climb the pole, tried to grab the banana. Monkey A who first tried to climb the pole. Once the monkey was in the middle of the pole, the professor spray water to it, so it slipped and fell. The monkey tried again, and being sprayed again thus fell again, finally Monkey A give up. Next, Monkey B try to grab the banana, and it had similar experiences as Monkey A, and finally it gave up.
Next, The professors put another monkey, just called it Monkey C. This time, the professors will no longer spraying the monkeys if they tried to climb the pole and grape the banana. Once the monkey C began to touch the pole, it was immediately drawn by monkeys A and B. They are trying to prevent monkey C being sprayed by the professors as they are. Because Monkey A and Monkey B keep continuing and advising Monkey C about the dangers when trying to climb the pole, finally Monkey C was scared too and never climb again.
The last step is the professors take out Monkeys A and B then put in Monkey D and E. Just like the previous monkey, both Monkey D and E are also interested with the bananas which were hang up above the pole thus tried to climb the pole. With spontaneously, Monkey C directly prevented both of the monkeys to climb up the pole. "Hey, why can not we go up?" asked the Monkey D and E.
"I was warned by the previous monkey that climb to the top of that pole is dangerous, but I don't know what kind of danger will happen, but for yours safety, just don't climb that pole to reach the banana" monkey C said.
Monkey D believe the story and dare not to go up, but not with monkey E. Monkey E was curious. "I want to know, what kind of danger will happen if I climb the pole to reach the banana and if there is a danger, I think I can handle it", said the Monkey E. Thus Monkey E climb up the pole and because it is no longer sprayed by the processors, Monkey E successfully climb the pole and achieve its goals, yes Monkey E ate the delicious banana. Monkey E
Achieve his dreams.
Morale Of The Story:
I believe everyone have their own dreams, and this is what is live about
Dare to dreams and take action to achieve your dreams
Another story of
Inspirational Story of the day about True love,
click here
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