Do you believe if you do something continuously, or just say our
Habit, and because of this habit, It will become our expertise. Yes, just like this below
Simple Inspirational Stories of the day about "Habit is Power", read it and be Inspired.
Simple Inspirational Stories of the day about "Habit is Power" |
Once upon a time, in ancient times of China, there was a General who is famous of his archery skills. One day, the General wants to show his skills to all of his people. Then the General ordered his soldier to prepare a target board and 100 arrows.
Once everything is ready, then the General entered the field with full of confidence, complete with archery device in his hand.
The General began to draw the bow and took off one by one the arrow toward the target. People cheered witnessed the greatness of the General skill! It is remarkable! A hundred times arrows was shoot, and all of it strike right on target.
With the face full of pride, the General said, "My people, behold of your mighty General, Today, my archery skill was unmatched. What do you think?"
All of his people was shouting loud praise the General, suddenly, suddenly an old man shout, "General was great! But, it only an expertise which is gained from your training habit."
Simple Inspirational Stories of the day about "Habit is Power" |
The General was shocked and all of the people who were present there, looked with amazement and wonder, what is meant by the words of the old man. The old man, finally was known as an oil salesman, replied, "I'll show you". He moved from its place, he took an ancient Chinese coins with holes in the middle. He put the coins over the mouth of an empty bottle of oil jars. With full of confidence, the old man took a dipper full of oil, and then poured from the top through a small hole in the center of the coin until jars was full. Amazingly, the coin still dry, there is not a drop of oil fell on the surface of the coins!
The General and all the people was stunned. Thus all of the people was shout and clap their hand because of this old man super skill. With full of humility, this old man bow salute before he uttered a wise sentence to General, "That's just the expertise gained from a trained habit! Habit which is repeated continuously will give birth to the expertise. this is what we called
"Habit is Power"
Morale of the Story:
From this
Simple inspirational stories, we can take the lessons : how great the power of habit.
Habit is power!
The results of trained habits can make something difficult becomes easy and what may not be possible become possible
Similarly to our life
, to obtain success in life, we need a strong character. And a strong character can only be formed through good habits such as positive thinking, enthusiastic, optimistic, discipline, integrity, responsibility etc
Let us be prepare of good Habit , maintain, and develop habits of successful thought and mentality of success, continuously. Thus, a successful character that has formed will bring us to the top of our successful lives.
Again: Habits are repeated continuously, will give birth to the expertise!
Habit is Power
source :
Be Simple
Simple But Satisfied
Just Simple quotes for your Simple life