Above the Sky there is Heaven
Above the Sky there is Heaven |
One day, a businessman was having his haircut at local barber shop near his office, then he saw a 10-year-old kid running around and jumping up and down in front of them.
The barber said, "That's kid named Steven, he's the most stupid kid that I have ever known"
Wait, why are you saying like that?" the businessman look curious
"I will show you", said the barber. Then he call Steven, "Hallo Steven, you look so happy today", then the barber reach his pocket and pulled out 1 sheet of $1 and 1 sheet of $5, "Steven, you can choose and pick one of this money, up to you which one you like, just take it, don't be shy"
Steven look at the barber shop, "OK, Sir, thanks you", then he take the $1 and leave the him as soon as possible.
The Barber with a sense of pride and glanced, he turned to the businessman and said, "You see, Steven is the most stupid kid that I ever seen, this is not the first time he take $1, every time I ask him to choose, he always grasps the $1 instead of $5".
After the businessman finished cutting his hair, on the way home he met with Steven. Because he still curios of what he saw before, then he call Steven, "Hallo kid, you're Steven, right ?"
"Yes, Sir, I'm Steven" the boy answered.
"Steven, when I'm having my haircut, I saw the barber offer you $1 and $5, but you choose $1 instead of $5, why don't you take $5 ?
Steven chuckled and said, "I can no longer have my $1 every day, if I take $5, because the barber was always wondering why I do not take that $5, If I take $5, that means the game is finished and when will I have my $1 again."
The businessman humming, "This kid is smart"
The Morale of the StoryMany people feel smarter than everyone else, so they often underestimate others. It would be wise if we do not consider ourselves smarter than everyone else. Above the sky there is Heaven.