Inspirational Short Stories of the day about Time To Change
If we keep in our "Comfort Zone", we won't find our true ability
Get out from your Comfort Zone, try a new thing to train yourself and make it better than before
Below is an
Inspirational Short Stories about Time to Change, be ready my friend
Inspirational Short Stories of the day - It's time To Change |
Once upon a time, there was a king which his hobby is collecting any kind of birds, especially Eagle. One day the king received a present from his old friend from another kingdom, two special magnificent eagles. There are still young and can't fly yet. The King give the eagles to his Head of Eagle trainer.
After several years, the eagles grow in to super duper charming eagles. But there was a strange thing happening, one of the eagles won't fly and it keep perched from its branch since the first day it had arrive, meanwhile the other one like to fly high into the sky and make beautiful eagle roar
This problem really bothering the King, then the King summoned all of the best healers and sorceress from his kingdom to solve this problem. But none of them can make this eagle leave from his branch.
The King still not lose hope yet, he said to himself, "Maybe I have to find another body who is more capable with this problem". In the afternoon the King take a walk through his kingdom. Then the King saw a Bird Breeder, then he told him about his eagles. The bird breeder agree to help the King.
At the next morning, The King was awoken by the beauty roar of Eagles, when he saw at the sky, there were two eagles flying together. The King was so happy at that moment, thus he summons the bird breeder, "What have you do ?, my eagles finally can fly"
The bird breeder bowed his head, "Nothing special my King, I am simply cut down the branch where the eagles was perched"
Morale of the Story:
All of us, it's doesn't matter animal or human even plants, just all of the living thing was created with incredible ability. Sometime we have to stood out from our comfort Zone to pull out our super inner ability.
We will not be given a test that we can not pass
Just try another
Inspirational Short Stories of the day, deep inside this blog
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