Inspired Short Stories of the day about Balance of Life
Everything on this earth contain of negative and positive side, and both of them are balancing each other, as well as our life. We must maintain the balance of our life in order to gain life harmonization.
Below is an
Inspired Short Stories of the day about Balance of Life
Inspired Short Stories of the day about Balance of Life |
Once upon a time, there was a young man who his career is rising up, but his life was not happy. His wife always complain about his activity, because he didn't give enough time also attention to his family. Even worst, his parents consider him as an arrogant person and no longer care for his family. Because of his jobs demands, he lose his previous time for family, old friends, even his own spare time.
Until one day, he got a valuable lesson that will change his life. There was a serious problem occur at the company, the young man should report to one of the director's company immediately. Because it's already in the evening, the young visit the director house. Once there, he was amazed by the beauty of the gardens at the director residence.
"Young man. Wait inside. I Still have somethings that I should finish," said the director. Instead of entering the director's residence, the young man approached and asked, "Excuse me, sir. How can you take care of this garden, they are so beautiful, meanwhile you still can make great decisions for our company ?"
Without stopping his work, the director replied friendly ,"Young man, Do you want to see another beauty inside my garden ? You should surround the garden again, however, please take this bowl of milk and don't spill it when you surround my garden".
Without thinking to much, the young man follow his director's order. After a while, he returned with relief because he didn't spilled the milk. The director asked, "Young man. Did you saw my rock collection or meet my favorite bird?"
The young man replied, "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I have not seen anything because I am concentrating on this bowl of milk. But give me a minute, I'll go see it."
When the young man coming back again from the garden, he looked very excited, he said, "Sir, I am really amaze with your collection, they are really beautiful, and your bird, they are so wonderful.". The Director saw his smiling face while listen to the young man, thus he steal a glance at the bowl of milk that is nearly empty. Aware of the director glanced, the young man said, "Sorry sir, I wasn't aware with this bowl of milk because I am amazed by the beauty of your garden and collection".
"Hahaha! Young man. What did we learn today? If the milk in the bowl is sill full, you can't amazed by my garden and my rock's collection, but if you spoiled the milk, you will realize and amazed by the beauty of my garden and collection. Same as our life, we have to keep it balance. The balance between your working and family hours. It's all back to us, how to share and utilize it. If we are able to keep it balance with wisely, surely our lives will be harmonious".
The young man smiled happily, "Thank you, sir. I have found the answer of my anxiety all this time.
Hope this story can be an
Inspired Short Stories of the day for all of you
Morale of the Story:
If we can create an apply the concept of "Balance of Life", It will certainly bring harmony and happiness. But How we do it, that is not an easy way. We need a process of mind and mental maturity, sacrifice,and hard working. The most important thing is, in order to remain balanced and harmonious, we need to continuous learning, It's not enough for 1 or 2 months, 1 or 2 years, but for whole life
Be Simple
Simple But Satisfied
Just Simple Quotes for your simple life
Be Inspired
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